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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 14. Jänner 2024

00:01  Widerrechtlichkeit illegality
00:01  Widerrechtlichkeit unlawfulness
00:02  beschwerlich laborious
00:20  triumphierende Kirche church triumphant
00:21  streitende Kirche church militant
00:21  leidende Kirche church suffering
00:21  genau in der Mitte gelegen midmost
00:21  ganz in der Mitte liegend midmost
00:21  Befreiungsbewegung freedom movement
01:06  sich Gefahren aussetzen to expose oneself to danger
01:17  sich in Fährnisse begeben to expose oneself to danger
01:25  das Blaue vom Himmel herunterlügen to lie one's head off
01:59  Bauernprotest farmers' protest
02:29  jdm. das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen to promise sb. pie in the sky
02:30  das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen to promise everything under the sun
02:33  sich mit jdm. einlassen to get involved with sb.
02:45  Qualitätsmanagement quality management
03:10  durch alle Fährnisse through all dangers
03:13  sich in Fährnisse begeben to put oneself in danger
04:20  Umstürzler subversionist
04:20  Prozessionsteilnehmer processionist
04:42  Fährnisse der Natur perils of nature
04:44  Fährnissen ausgesetzt sein to be exposed to perils
04:44  Fährnissen ausgesetzt sein to be exposed to dangers
04:53  jdm. den Kopf abreißen to bite sb.'s head off
04:54  Verdammt richtig! Darn tootin'!
04:54  sich in Gefahr bringen to place oneself in danger
04:54  sich in Gefahr begeben to place oneself in danger
04:54  sich in Gefahr bringen to put oneself in danger
04:57  etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten to cherish sth. like life itself
05:13  in großer Gefahr in great peril
05:13  in Lebensgefahr sein to be in peril of one's life
07:03  Institutsbibliothek institute library
09:07  Deportationsfantasie deportation fantasy
09:28  sich zu etw. einlassen to make a statement about sth.
10:48  sich einen Ast lachen to laugh one's head off
11:30  den Tränen freien Lauf lassen to weep freely
11:51  Mühseligkeit arduousness
11:51  Heilverfahren (course of) treatment
11:52  Heilverfahren (medical) treatment
11:52  jdm. ein Denkmal setzen to erect a monument to sb.
11:54  sich einen Wolf reden to talk until one is blue in the face
11:58  seine Pflichten (geradezu) sträflich vernachlässigen to neglect one's duties (quite) disgracefully
11:58  Armeebibliothek army library
11:58  Prozessionsteilnehmer processioner
11:59  Besessener obsessionist
11:59  Einsichtsfähigkeit capacity to understand
11:59  Einsichtsfähigkeit discerning ability
11:59  Die Mühlen der Bürokratie mahlen langsam. The wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly.
11:59  Präzisionsarbeiter precisionist
12:00  knallhart badass
12:01  schwarzhumorig black-humor
12:03  Widerrechtlichkeit wrongfulness
12:03  zu Pauschalurteilen neigen to tend to make sweeping statements
12:03  Pauschalurteil sweeping judgement
12:04  pauschale Verallgemeinerung sweeping generalization
12:06  am seidenen Faden hängen to hang by a thread
12:09  im Gang in progress
12:09  sich in Gefahr begeben to put oneself in danger
12:11  Kampfbereitschaft militancy
12:12  Gewächshauspflanze hothouse plant
12:17  Reiseliteratur reading matter for a / the journey
12:17  Epoche machen to mark a new epoch / era
12:17  Provenienzangabe provenance information
12:17  Verdoppler doubler
12:18  Logomanie logomania
12:18  übermäßige Redseligkeit over-talkativeness
12:18  übermäßig redselig over-talkative
12:18  überdurchschnittlich supernormal
12:21  Opfernarrativ victim narrative
12:24  Rundfunkansprache radio address
13:32  Kniest-Syndrom Kniest syndrome
13:32  Kniest-Dysplasie Kniest dysplasia
14:03  Hypochondrogenesie hypochondrogenesis
14:12  Opfererzählung victim narrative
14:12  Gustavson-Syndrom Gustavson syndrome
14:12  Hyperphalangie hyperphalangy
14:13  Stigmonym stigmonym
15:53  Keniabäumchen Kenya tree coral
15:55  etw. aufbauschen to bag sth.
16:11  Neujahrsansprache New Year's address
16:12  Neujahrsansprache New Year's speech
16:24  Silvesteransprache New Year's Eve address
16:25  gegenseitiger Vertrag synallagmatic contract
16:27  meromorph meromorphic
16:55  Volksvergiftung poisoning of the people
16:56  Härteprüfung hardness test
17:01  Zufallsfund lucky find
17:09  halachisch halakic
17:09  halachisch halachic
17:10  Verschwörungserzählung conspiracy narrative
17:19  Augenlust lust of the eyes
17:30  Deutbarkeit interpretableness
17:33  Lästerwort gibe
18:05  Hoffart des Lebens pride of life
18:05  Deutbarkeit interpretability
18:05  Nadelbüchse drawn cup needle roller bearing with closed end
18:06  Konjunkturforscher trade-cycle analyst
18:07  Kosmizität cosmicality
18:08  Werbefreiheit ad-freeness
18:08  Undeutbarkeit uninterpretability
18:09  Wahrnehmungsabwehr perceptual defense
18:09  Wahrnehmungsabwehr perceptual defence
18:09  dem öffentlichen Interesse zuwiderlaufend contrary to the public interest
18:12  Repräsentieren representing
18:22  Fragmentist fragmentist
18:22  Verglasung vitrescence
18:23  mitwirkungsbedürftig requiring participation
18:24  Bibliothekssaal (library) reading room
18:30  etw. steigern to amp up sth.
18:45  Innenressort Department of the Interior
19:05  Messerschleifmaschine knife grinder
19:53  Flüchtlingskrise refugee crisis
21:20  Zuwiderhandelnder contravener
21:23  blühende Fantasie fancifulness
21:23  Geisterglaube ghostism
21:24  Geschosse missilery
21:24  Verpflegungskosten cost of supplies
21:25  Jiddischismus Yiddishism
21:27  mitwirkungsbedürftiger Verwaltungsakt
21:27  Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde nullity appeal
22:23  seine Rübe für etw. hinhalten müssen to have to take the rap for sth.
22:29  krasser Widerspruch flagrant contradiction
22:30  Kampfschwimmer combat swimmer
23:20  seinen Kopf für etw. hinhalten to put one's neck on the line for sth.
23:20  seinen Kopf für etw. hinhalten to put / lay one's head on the block for sth.
23:21  abkratzen to take a dirt nap
23:22  auf tönernen Füßen stehen to have clay feet
23:22  Chauvinismus chauvinism
23:24  die Schlinge zuziehen to tighten the noose
23:25  etw. rocken to rock sth.
23:38  eine Schulter zum Ausweinen anbieten to offer a shoulder to cry on

Weitere Sprachen

04:44  DE-NO   Hochdruck høytrykk
04:44  DE-NO   Neujahrstag nyttårsdag
05:23  EN-RU   magnetar магнетар
07:53  EN-LA   very well bred perliberalis
07:53  EN-LA   in a worn-out style obsolete
07:53  EN-LA   poorly obsolete
07:53  EN-LA   meanly obsolete
07:53  EN-LA   letting down demissio
07:53  EN-LA   sinking demissio
07:53  EN-LA   lowering demissio
07:53  EN-LA   dejection demissio
07:53  EN-LA   demolishing demolitio
07:53  EN-LA   tearing down demolitio
07:53  EN-LA   metonymy denominatio
07:53  EN-LA   bewailing deploratio
07:53  EN-LA   lamenting deploratio
07:53  EN-LA   marauding depopulatio
07:53  EN-LA   laying waste depopulatio
07:54  EN-LA   discovery deprehensio
07:54  EN-LA   catching deprehensio
07:54  EN-LA   pressing down depressio
07:54  EN-LA   sinking down depressio
07:54  EN-LA   depression depressio
07:54  EN-LA   driving off depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   driving away depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   repelling depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   warding off depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   defence depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   sinking down depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   lowering depulsio
07:54  EN-LA   neglect derelictio
07:54  EN-LA   abandoning derelictio
07:54  EN-LA   disregarding derelictio
07:54  EN-LA   neglecting derelictio
07:54  EN-LA   disregard derelictio
07:54  EN-LA   descending descensio
07:54  EN-LA   going down descensio
07:55  EN-LA   desolating desolatio
07:55  EN-LA   giving up deditio
07:55  EN-LA   surrender deditio
07:55  EN-LA   capitulation deditio
07:55  EN-LA   leading away deductio
07:55  EN-LA   conducting off deductio
07:55  EN-LA   leading on deductio
07:55  EN-LA   leading off deductio
07:55  EN-LA   colonizing deductio
07:55  EN-LA   transplanting of colonies deductio
07:55  EN-LA   leading forth deductio
07:55  EN-LA   ejection deductio
07:55  EN-LA   expulsion deductio
07:55  EN-LA   deduction deductio
07:55  EN-LA   diminution deductio
07:55  EN-LA   wearying defatigatio
07:55  EN-LA   tiring out defatigatio
07:55  EN-LA   fatiguing defatigatio
07:56  EN-LA   weariness defatigatio
07:56  EN-LA   fatigue defatigatio
07:56  EN-LA   exhaustion defatigatio
07:56  EN-LA   exhaustion defetigatio
07:56  EN-LA   fatigue defetigatio
07:56  EN-LA   weariness defetigatio
07:56  EN-LA   tiring out defetigatio
07:56  EN-LA   wearying defetigatio
07:56  EN-LA   fatiguing defetigatio
07:56  EN-LA   defense defensio
07:56  EN-LA   defence defensio
07:56  EN-LA   defending defensio
07:56  EN-LA   burning up deflagratio
07:56  EN-LA   consuming by fire deflagratio
07:57  EN-LA   conflagration deflagratio
07:57  EN-LA   representation deformatio
07:57  EN-LA   delineation deformatio
07:57  EN-LA   deforming deformatio
07:57  EN-LA   disfiguring deformatio
07:57  EN-LA   defacing deformatio
07:57  EN-LA   dispossession deiectio
07:57  EN-LA   ejection deiectio
07:57  EN-LA   annihilating deletio
07:57  EN-LA   destroying deletio
07:57  EN-LA   consultation deliberatio
07:57  EN-LA   consideration deliberatio
07:57  EN-LA   want deliquio
07:57  EN-LA   failure deliquio
07:57  EN-LA   giddiness deliratio
07:57  EN-LA   silliness deliratio
07:57  EN-LA   folly deliratio
07:58  EN-LA   dotage deliratio
07:58  EN-LA   madness deliratio
07:58  EN-LA   laming debilitatio
07:58  EN-LA   maiming debilitatio
07:58  EN-LA   weakness debilitatio
07:58  EN-LA   withdrawal decessio
07:58  EN-LA   retirement decessio
07:58  EN-LA   diminution decessio
07:58  EN-LA   abatement decessio
07:58  EN-LA   agreement decisio
07:58  EN-LA   decision decisio
07:58  EN-LA   settlement decisio
07:59  EN-LA   diminishing decisio
07:59  EN-LA   declaration declaratio
07:59  EN-LA   making clear declaratio
07:59  EN-LA   making evident declaratio
07:59  EN-LA   disclosure declaratio
07:59  EN-LA   exposition declaratio
07:59  EN-LA   bending aside declinatio
10:38  DE-ES   Syringom siringoma
10:50  EN-FI   umbrella organization kattojärjestö
10:50  EN-FI   umbrella organisation kattojärjestö
10:51  EN-FI   Montenegran montenegrolainen
10:51  EN-FI   Montenegrin montenegrolainen
10:51  EN-FI   humanistic humanistinen
10:52  EN-FI   church music kirkkomusiikki
11:48  EN-FR   buttress soutien
11:50  EN-FR   to be one over the eight avoir trop de verres dans le nez
12:01  EN-NL   cookery book kookboek
12:14  EN-FR   financial bubble bulle financière
12:15  EN-FI   malformation epämuodostuma
12:18  EN-FR   blue coral corail bleu
12:39  DA-EN   affaldsforbrænding waste incineration
12:39  DA-EN   at have et hjerte af guld to have a heart of gold
12:39  DA-EN   blandingsskov mixed forest
12:39  DA-EN   blandingsskov mixed woodland
12:39  DA-EN   Joakim von And Scrooge McDuck
12:39  DA-EN   at dedicere ngt. til ngn. to devote sth. to sb.
12:39  DA-EN   cystadenom cystadenoma
12:39  DA-EN   at løsne håndbremsen to release the handbrake
12:39  DA-EN   efter alle kunstens regler by every trick in the book
12:39  DA-EN   blokbog block book
12:40  DA-EN   antiguansk Antiguan
12:40  DA-EN   ganeben palate bone
12:40  DA-EN   ganeben palatine bone
12:40  DA-EN   fauna fauna
12:40  DA-EN   at dosere ngt. to measure sth. out
12:40  DA-EN   at dosere ngt. to dispense sth.
12:40  DA-EN   abetræ monkey puzzle araucaria
12:41  DA-EN   fedtdegeneration fat degeneration
13:29  DE-RO   Kohle lovele
13:29  DE-RO   Zaster lovele
13:34  DE-ES   Achondroplasie acondroplasia
13:34  DE-ES   Aicardi-Syndrom síndrome de Aicardi
13:35  DE-ES   Afibrinogenämie afibrinogenemia
13:35  DE-ES   Riechhirn rinencéfalo
13:40  DE-ES   Mautstelle cabina de peaje
13:40  DE-ES   Schlüsselbeinvene vena subclavia
13:40  DE-ES   Ringgalaxie galaxia anular
13:41  DE-ES   Ringgalaxie galaxia en anillo
13:41  DE-ES   Anenzephalie anencefalia
13:43  DE-ES   Schambeinfuge sínfisis del pubis
13:43  EN-RO   credulity credulitate
13:43  EN-RO   gullibility credulitate
13:44  DE-ES   Sternoklavikulargelenk articulación esternoclavicular
13:54  DE-ES   Kolpozephalie colpocefalia
13:54  DE-ES   Syringomyelie siringomielia
13:54  DE-ES   Brustbein-Schlüsselbein-Gelenk articulación esternoclavicular
13:56  DE-ES   Sclareol esclareol
14:11  EN-ES   hemogram hemograma
14:11  EN-ES   blog blog
14:11  EN-ES   haemogram hemograma
14:52  DE-FI   unentschuldbar anteeksiantamaton
14:52  EN-FI   unforgivable anteeksiantamaton
14:52  EN-FI   inexcusable anteeksiantamaton
14:53  EN-FI   full of life elämänhaluinen
14:53  EN-FI   deformity epämuodostuma
14:53  EN-FI   incompetent epäpätevä
14:53  EN-FI   towing service hinauspalvelu
14:54  EN-FI   to rejoice ilakoida
14:54  EN-FI   window opening ikkuna-aukko
14:54  EN-FI   podiatrist jalkojenhoitaja
14:55  EN-FI   chiropodist jalkojenhoitaja
14:55  EN-FI   beauty sleep kauneusunet
14:55  EN-FI   beauty rest kauneusunet
14:55  EN-FI   gill kidus
14:56  EN-FI   fanaticism kiihkomielisyys
15:27  EN-LA   lasting very long perlonginquus
15:27  EN-LA   turning away declinatio
15:27  EN-LA   averting declinatio
15:28  EN-LA   avoiding declinatio
15:28  EN-LA   avoidance declinatio
15:28  EN-LA   variation declinatio
15:28  EN-LA   inflection declinatio
15:28  EN-LA   declension declinatio
15:28  EN-LA   discoloring decoloratio
15:28  EN-LA   discolouring decoloratio
15:28  EN-LA   decision decretio
15:28  EN-LA   decree decretio
15:28  EN-LA   flowing down decursio
15:28  EN-LA   running down decursio
15:28  EN-LA   disdaining dedignatio
15:28  EN-LA   refusal dedignatio
15:28  EN-LA   healing medicus
15:28  EN-LA   pertaining to healing medicus
15:29  EN-LA   of healing medicus
15:29  EN-LA   curative medicus
15:29  EN-LA   medical medicus
15:29  EN-LA   medicinal medicus
15:29  EN-LA   magical medicus
15:29  EN-LA   surgeon medicus
15:29  EN-LA   medical man medicus
15:29  EN-LA   female physician medica
15:29  EN-LA   medicinal herbs medica
15:29  EN-LA   memorial mnemosynum
15:29  EN-LA   belonging to wine vinarius
15:29  EN-LA   of wine vinarius
15:29  EN-LA   wine vinarius
15:30  EN-LA   for wine vinarius
15:30  EN-LA   wine dealer vinarius
15:30  EN-LA   vintner vinarius
15:30  EN-LA   wine flask vinarium
15:30  EN-LA   wine pot vinarium
15:30  EN-LA   justice iustitia
15:30  EN-LA   righteousness iustitia
15:30  EN-LA   uprightness iustitia
15:33  DE-NO   Kohlegrube kullgruve
15:33  DE-NO   Kohlebergwerk kullgruve
15:34  EN-RO   Elizabeth Elisabeta
16:15  EN-RO   mucogingival mucogingival
16:15  EN-RO   clock mechanism mecanism de ceasornic
16:15  EN-RO   clockwork mecanism de ceasornic
16:16  EN-RO   use of arms uz de armă
16:16  EN-RO   trade restriction restricție comercială
16:16  EN-RO   seventh șeptime
16:16  EN-RO   cement paste pastă de ciment
16:16  EN-RO   leopard cub pui de leopard
16:16  EN-RO   postposed postpus
16:16  EN-RO   non-homogeneous neomogen
16:16  EN-RO   steam turbine turbină cu abur
16:16  EN-RO   voudou voodoo
16:16  EN-RO   stretch marks vergeturi
16:16  EN-RO   ceiling fan ventilator de tavan
16:17  EN-RO   semitone semiton
16:17  EN-RO   Tbilisi Tbilisi
16:17  EN-RO   armoured vehicle vehicul blindat
16:17  EN-RO   television viewer telespectator
16:17  EN-RO   film studio studio de film
16:17  EN-RO   bass-baritone bas-bariton
16:17  EN-RO   annexation anexare
16:21  BG-DE   неутронна звезда Neutronenstern
16:21  BG-DE   Двуцветен ястреб Zweifarbensperber
16:26  EN-RO   the day before cu o zi înainte
16:26  EN-RO   a month before cu o lună înainte
16:35  BG-EN   съвършено число perfect number
16:35  BG-EN   диапозитив slide
16:35  BG-EN   тимокрация timocracy
16:35  BG-EN   охлокрация ochlocracy
16:38  DA-EN   butsnudet frø (European) brown frog
16:38  DA-EN   butsnudet frø (European) grass frog
16:38  DA-EN   butsnudet frø (European) common frog
16:38  DA-EN   akvarist aquarist
16:38  DA-EN   akvarist aquarium hobbyist
16:38  DA-EN   a cappella a capella
16:39  DA-EN   rindende vand running water
16:39  DA-EN   tekande tea pot
16:39  DA-EN   at føre hus for ngn. to keep house for sb.
16:39  DA-EN   arie aria
16:41  EN-RU   Motzkin number число Моцкина
16:41  EN-RU   Legendre's constant константа Лежандра
16:41  EN-RU   Cahen's constant константа Каэна
16:41  EN-RU   homiletics гомилетика
16:41  EN-RU   Pauli principle принцип Паули
16:41  EN-RU   barium hydroxide гидроксид бария
16:41  EN-RU   sodium borohydride борогидрид натрия
16:41  EN-RU   irinotecan иринотекан
16:41  EN-RU   bigeye sand tiger большеглазая песчаная акула
16:41  EN-RU   potassium tellurite теллурит калия
16:41  EN-RU   quinidine хинидин
16:41  EN-RU   hypericin гиперицин
16:41  EN-RU   fenoterol фенотерол
16:41  EN-RU   rifle cartridge ружейный патрон
16:41  EN-RU   loratadine лоратадин
16:41  EN-RU   nifurtimox нифуртимокс
16:41  EN-RU   diosmin диосмин
16:41  EN-RU   Meyer's goshawk Мейеров ястреб
16:41  EN-RU   teacup чайная чашка
16:41  EN-RU   commissure комиссура
16:43  EN-SK   flagrant flagrantný
16:44  DE-NO   im Handumdrehen i en håndvending
16:44  DE-NO   schwerhörig hørselssvekket
16:44  DE-NO   schwerhörig hørselshemmet
16:44  DE-NO   Höhenzug høydedrag
16:44  DE-NO   Lautgesetz lydlov
16:44  DE-NO   Lautwandel lydendring
16:44  DE-NO   schwatzen å skravle
16:44  DE-NO   Überspannungsschutz overspenningsvern
16:44  DE-NO   Steckdosenleiste grenuttak
16:44  DE-NO   knallhart bentøff
16:45  EN-SK   diopside diopsid
16:45  EN-SK   EU Commissioner eurokomisár
16:45  EN-SK   cardiopulmonary kardiopulmonálny
16:45  EN-SK   femtosecond femtosekunda
16:46  DA-DE   at vifte fächeln
16:46  DA-DE   at forfærde erschrecken
16:47  DA-DE   at rage op ragen
16:47  DA-DE   at rage angehen
16:47  DA-DE   at rage wühlen
16:47  DA-DE   spag kleinlaut
16:48  DA-DE   Mange tak for hjælpen. Vielen Dank für Ihre / deine Hilfe.
16:48  DA-DE   at underbyde ngn. jdn. unterbieten
16:48  DA-DE   maske Masche
16:49  DA-DE   tilberedning Zubereitung
16:58  DE-SV   jdn. verprügeln att banka till ngn.
17:04  DE-RO   Tonschicht strat de argilă
17:07  EN-RO   remigration remigrație
17:10  DE-RO   Lippenpflegestift balsam de buze
17:18  DE-RO   Unabhängigkeitserklärung declarație de independență
17:26  DE-RO   Zuckerfabrik fabrică de zahăr
18:03  DE-SV   jdn. prügeln att banka till ngn.
18:03  DE-SV   jdn. schlagen att banka till ngn.
18:04  DE-ES   spülen tirar de la cadena
18:37  EN-LA   of good natural abilities peringeniosus
18:38  EN-LA   very clever peringeniosus
18:38  EN-LA   very ungrateful peringratus
18:38  EN-LA   very discontented periniquus
18:38  EN-LA   very unwilling periniquus
18:38  EN-LA   most unjust periniquus
18:38  EN-LA   very unfair periniquus
18:40  DE-LA   sehr unbillig periniquus
18:40  DE-LA   sehr unwillig periniquus
19:50  DE-ES   etw. ermöglichen posibilitar algo
19:50  DE-FR   Gesundheitskrise crise sanitaire
19:52  DE-RO   Verfassungskrise criză constituțională
19:54  DE-NL   Flüchtlingskrise vluchtelingencrisis
19:54  DE-RO   Flüchtlingskrise criză a refugiaților
19:54  DE-RU   Flüchtlingskrise миграционный кризис
21:47  DE-SV   Secondhandladen secondhandbutik
22:31  DE-SV   clean drogfri
23:09  EN-SK   flagrant do očí bijúci
23:09  EN-SK   flagrant do neba volajúci
23:10  EN-SK   flagrant donebavolajúci
23:13  DE-SV   Notenwenderin bladvändare
23:15  DE-SV   Gartengottesdienst trädgårdsgudstjänst
23:15  DE-SV   Gartenmesse trädgårdsgudstjänst
23:16  DE-SV   Bombenalarm bomblarm
23:17  DE-SV   Unterlegscheibe rundbricka
23:17  DE-SV   etw. bekannt geben att kungöra ngt.
23:17  DE-SV   jdn. mit etw. abspeisen att avspisa ngn. med ngt.
23:17  DE-SV   etw. begründen att grunda ngt.
23:17  DE-SV   etw. begründen att grundlägga ngt.
23:17  DE-SV   etw. riskieren att chansa ngt.
23:18  DE-SV   etw. bekannt geben att yppa ngt.