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Ing. Paul Hemetsberger

Paul Hemetsberger IT-Dienstleistungen
Erdbergstraße 10/55, 1030 Wien
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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 18. Februar 2024

00:42  Jockeybox jockey box
00:44  Luftentölbox air-de-oiling filter
00:51  Wolkenkunde nephology
06:27  Adsorptionsschicht adsorption layer
06:28  einen Bogen um etw. machen to forgo sth.
07:51  stillschweigende Kollusion tacit collusion
07:51  eine Ansprache halten to hold a speech
07:52  umtriebig go-getting
08:18  etw. managen to project-manage sth.
09:45  Rotkehlschwalbe red-throated (cliff) swallow
09:46  Rotbrustschwalbe red-breasted swallow
11:18  Ex-und-hopp-Gesellschaft throwaway / throw-away society
14:29  Bürgeraufstand citizen revolt
15:06  Bildschirmbreite screen width
15:06  Durchschnittsbreite average width
15:06  durchschnittliche Breite average width
15:51  Swiftie Swiftie
16:46  sich um etw. kümmern to concern oneself with sth.
17:32  der Dramatiker schlechthin THE playwright
17:34  Leinwandbreite screen width
17:37  sich um jdn./etw. kümmern to attend to sb./sth.
17:38  lactation room
18:35  Weißhosenschwalbe white-thighed swallow
20:15  Tumbesschwalbe Tumbes swallow
20:15  Stolzmannschwalbe Tumbes swallow
20:15  Rotaugenschwalbe African river martin
20:16  Scharnierbreite hinge width
20:16  Bahialaubtyrann Bahia tyrannulet
20:16  Olivgrau-Laubtyrann Ihering's tyrannulet
20:16  Olivgrau-Laubtyrann Serra do Mar tyrannulet
20:16  Weißaugen-Laubtyrann Serra do Mar tyrannulet
21:28  Chileschwalbe Chilean swallow
21:32  Mamormehl marble dust
21:36  nephologisch nephological
22:41  Härteofen annealing oven
23:33  Sprenggeschoss explosive projectile
23:34  Sprenggeschoss high explosive shell

Weitere Sprachen

09:27  DE-NO   Verletzung durch andauernde physische oder psychische Belastung belastningsskade
09:32  EN-FR   to get one's head straight se ressaisir
09:33  EN-FR   to get a grip of oneself se ressaisir
09:33  EN-FR   to take hold of oneself se ressaisir
10:59  EN-NO    kjøttkake
11:45  DE-LA   zurückhalten retrahere
11:45  DE-LA   zurückschleppen retrahere
11:46  DE-LA   zurückbringen retrahere
11:46  DE-LA   in Wut geraten furias concipere
11:46  DE-LA   böser Geist furia
11:46  DE-LA   Dämon furia
11:46  DE-LA   Begeisterung furia
11:46  DE-LA   Verzückung furia
11:46  DE-LA   Liebeswut furia
11:46  DE-LA   abhalten retrahere
11:46  DE-LA   verkürzen retrahere
11:46  DE-LA   nicht merken lassen retrahere
11:46  DE-LA   hinziehen retrahere
11:46  DE-LA   wieder hervorziehen retrahere
11:47  DE-LA   wieder ans Licht ziehen retrahere
11:47  DE-LA   von neuem ziehen retrahere
11:47  DE-LA   wieder ziehen retrahere
11:47  DE-LA   nicht herausgeben retrahere
11:47  DE-LA   von neuem schleppen retrahere
11:47  DE-LA   zurückbehalten retrahere
11:48  EN-LA   bomb bomba
11:48  EN-LA   abridgment contractio
11:48  EN-LA   shortening contractio
11:48  EN-LA   abridging contractio
11:48  EN-LA   contraction contractio
11:48  EN-LA   depository of records tabularium
11:49  EN-LA   small cup caliculus
11:49  EN-LA   little inkstand caliculus
11:49  EN-LA   small wicker basket calathiscus
11:49  EN-LA   small cooking pot caccabulus
11:49  EN-LA   public registry tabularium
11:49  EN-LA   registrar tabularius
11:49  EN-LA   nuclear power energia atomica
11:49  EN-LA   atomic energy energia atomica
11:49  EN-LA   record-office tabularia
11:49  EN-LA   office of a public notary tabularia
11:49  EN-LA   office of a registrar tabularia
11:49  EN-LA   of written documents tabularius
11:49  EN-LA   belonging to written documents tabularius
11:49  EN-LA   scrivener tabularius
11:49  EN-LA   public notary tabularius
11:50  EN-LA   Ingolstadt Ingolstadium
11:50  EN-LA   Potsdam Potestampium
11:50  EN-LA   catering obsonatus
11:50  EN-LA   marketing obsonatus
11:50  EN-LA   marketing opsonatus
11:50  EN-LA   of roses roseus
11:50  EN-LA   catering opsonatus
11:50  EN-LA   rose roseus
11:50  EN-LA   rose-colored roseus
11:50  EN-LA   rose-coloured roseus
11:50  EN-LA   rosy roseus
11:50  EN-LA   ruddy roseus
11:50  EN-LA   rose rosa
11:50  EN-FR   to regret having done it se repentir de l'avoir fait
11:50  EN-LA   month of roses rosa
11:50  EN-LA   season of roses rosa
11:51  EN-FR   besides en dehors de
11:51  EN-FR   to be out of the picture être hors du coup
11:51  EN-LA   rose-bush rosa
11:51  EN-LA   rose-tree rosa
11:51  EN-FR   to pull yourself together se ressaisir
11:51  EN-FR   to regain one's self-control se ressaisir
11:51  EN-LA   oil of roses rosa
11:51  EN-LA   half-emptied semiatus
11:51  EN-FR   hissing chuintement
11:51  EN-LA   wreaths of roses rosa
11:51  EN-FR   to go into sth. s'enfourner dans qc.
11:51  EN-FR   whistling chuintement
11:51  EN-LA   touch contrectatio
11:51  EN-LA   intercourse conversatio
11:51  EN-LA   conversation conversatio
11:51  EN-LA   drawing together contractio
11:51  EN-LA   complication contortio
11:51  EN-LA   intricacy contortio
11:51  EN-LA   involving contortio
11:52  EN-FR   to risk one's all tenter le tout pour le tout
11:52  EN-LA   intertwining contortio
11:52  EN-LA   whirling contortio
11:52  EN-LA   shortness contractio
11:52  EN-FR   to cap it all pour couronner le tout
11:52  EN-FR   to crown it all pour couronner le tout
11:52  EN-LA   alteration conversio
11:52  EN-LA   change conversio
11:52  EN-FR   syrupy tout sucre tout miel
11:52  EN-LA   subversion conversio
11:52  EN-FR   sirupy tout sucre tout miel
11:52  EN-LA   inverting conversio
11:52  EN-FR   to cap it all pour compléter le tout
11:52  EN-LA   counter-argument contradictio
11:52  EN-FR   to stick in sb.'s craw faire tiquer qn.
11:52  EN-LA   objection contradictio
11:52  EN-FR   continued fraction fraction continue
11:52  EN-LA   reply contradictio
11:52  EN-FR   to be called sth. se prénommer qc.
11:52  EN-LA   answer contradictio
11:52  EN-FR   to be at the scene être sur les lieux
11:52  EN-FR   shelf tablette
11:52  EN-FR   tray (table) tablette
11:52  EN-LA   touching contrectatio
11:52  EN-FR   sb. had better do sth. qn. ferait mieux de faire qc.
11:52  EN-FR   to leave s'absenter
11:53  EN-LA   contact contrectatio
11:53  EN-FR   recess renfoncement
11:53  EN-FR   nook renfoncement
11:53  EN-FR   vagabondage vagabondage
11:53  EN-FR   to be called as a witness être pris à témoin
11:53  EN-FR   to ooze sth. suer qc.
11:53  EN-LA   coupling copulatio
11:53  EN-LA   restatement in better language correctio
11:53  EN-LA   repetition in better language correctio
11:53  EN-LA   correction correctio
11:53  EN-LA   rounding of a period conversio
11:53  EN-LA   repetition of the same word at the end of a clause conversio
11:53  EN-LA   change of opinion conversio
11:53  EN-LA   change of view conversio
11:53  EN-LA   moral change conversio
11:53  EN-LA   conversion conversio
11:54  EN-LA   spotted like a tiger tigrinus
11:54  EN-LA   tigerlike tigrinus
11:54  EN-LA   inhabitants of Arpinum Arpinates
11:54  EN-LA   revolution conversio
11:54  EN-LA   of Arpinum Arpinas
11:54  EN-LA   revolving conversio
11:54  EN-LA   turning round conversio
11:54  EN-LA   uniting copulatio
11:54  EN-LA   connecting copulatio
11:54  EN-LA   joining copulatio
11:54  EN-FR   to name sb. prénommer qn.
11:54  EN-LA   compression compressus
11:55  EN-LA   copulation compressus
11:55  EN-LA   embracing compressus
11:55  EN-LA   improvement correctio
11:55  EN-LA   amendment correctio
11:55  EN-LA   foreign language lingua aliena
11:55  EN-LA   German lingua Germana
11:55  EN-LA   pertaining to Arpinum Arpinas
11:55  EN-LA   Hebrew lingua Hebraica
11:55  EN-LA   barred like a tiger tigrinus
11:55  EN-LA   pertaining to Caunus Cauneus
11:55  EN-LA   pertaining to Caunus Caunius
11:55  EN-LA   disobedient imparens
11:55  EN-LA   half footed semipodius
11:56  EN-LA   halfsounding semisonans
11:56  EN-LA   semi-vocal semisonans
11:56  EN-LA   of Arpi Arpinus
11:56  EN-LA   of Arpinum Arpinus
11:56  EN-LA   from Arpi Arpinus
11:56  EN-LA   pressing together compressus
11:56  EN-LA    Larinum
11:56  EN-LA    Caunus
11:56  EN-LA   Caunian dried figs Cauneae
11:56  EN-LA   inhabitants of Caunus Caunei
11:57  EN-LA   inhabitants of Caunus Caunii
11:57  EN-LA   Caunian Caunites
11:57  EN-LA   of Caunus Caunius
11:57  EN-LA   of Caunus Cauneus
12:19  EN-RO   decisive battle bătălie decisivă
12:19  EN-RO   central bank bancă centrală
12:19  EN-RO   penal colony colonie penală
12:20  EN-RO   marginalised marginalizat
12:20  EN-RO   marginalized marginalizat
12:20  EN-RO   the weaker sex sexul slab
12:20  EN-RO   chat chat
12:20  EN-RO   octane number cifră octanică
13:06  DE-RO   Herrenhaus casă boierească
13:06  DE-RO   Grundrezept rețetă de bază
13:13  DE-RO   zuführen a furniza
14:59  DE-NO   sich etw. merken å notere seg noe
16:42  DE-SV   imbezill imbecill
16:43  DE-SV   imbezil imbecill
18:01  DE-FR   etw. vor jdm. geheim halten cacher qc. à qn.
18:01  DE-FR   etw. vor jdm. geheimhalten cacher qc. à qn.
18:02  DE-FR   schwabbelig gélatineux
18:02  DE-FR   schwabblig gélatineux
18:56  EN-SK   fly mušací
18:56  EN-SK   flyspeck mušacinec
18:56  EN-SK   cathepsin katepsín
18:56  EN-SK   epiblast epiblast
18:56  EN-SK   fly muší
18:56  EN-SK   flyweight mušia váha
19:32  EN-RO   intubation intubare
21:02  EN-SK   alter ego druhé ja
21:21  DE-SV   kleine Karotte karott
21:52  DE-SV   Vanillesoße vaniljsås
21:57  DE-SV   Imperialismus imperialism
21:58  DE-SV   behutsam försiktig
22:09  DE-RO   Sozialwissenschaftler specialist în științe sociale
22:15  DE-SV   Servierschüssel karott
22:45  DE-SV   -dimensional -dimensionell
22:46  DE-SV   gedachte Linie tänkt linje
22:49  EN-RO   coinfection coinfecție
22:49  EN-RO   basic recipe rețetă de bază
22:49  EN-RO   fitness club club de fitness
22:49  EN-RO   encephalitis encefalită
22:49  EN-RO   fatality fatalitate
22:50  EN-RO   price increase creștere de preț
22:50  EN-RO   speech defect defect de vorbire
22:50  EN-RO   particle filter filtru de particule
22:50  EN-RO   Bach flowers florile lui Bach
22:50  EN-RO   indoor hockey hochei în sală
22:59  DE-RO   Redewiedergabe redare a spuselor
23:22  EN-SK   untruthful nepravdivý
23:23  EN-SK   untruthfully nepravdivo
23:23  EN-SK   untruthfulness nepravdivosť