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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 1. Februar 2024

00:44  Binärformat binary format
00:44  Textformat text format
00:45  etw. genau festlegen to pinpoint sth.
00:47  unter Polizeischutz under police protection
00:49  geistsprühend brilliantly witty
00:49  etw. genau feststellen to pinpoint sth.
00:49  Sicherheitsglas security glass
00:49  etw. genau bestimmen to pinpoint sth.
00:51  etw. präzise anzeigen to pinpoint sth.
00:51  Rheinfall Rhine Falls
00:52  zu erwarten sein to be in the offing
00:52  jds./etw. nicht gewahr sein to be unaware of sb./sth.
00:53  Geranienzüchterin geranium grower
00:54  superklug clever-clever
00:54  geistreicheln to try to be witty
00:54  geistreicheln to try to be clever
00:54  Militärtransportflugzeug military cargo aircraft
00:55  TV-Sternchen TV starlet
00:55  Fernsehsternchen televison starlet
00:59  jdn./etw. lokalisieren to pinpoint sb./sth.
01:07  Radonmelder radon detector
01:08  Kostenfalle cost trap
01:08  Schadensersatzzahlung (financial) reparation for damage
01:08  Geistesschwäche feeble-mindedness
01:09  Geruchsintensität odorosity
01:09  Geruchsintensität odorousness
01:09  binärer Indikator binary indicator
01:24  Binärmodus binary mode
01:42  Selbstachtung self-esteem
06:46  Selbstachtung self-regard
06:46  Binärgröße binary size
06:47  Binärlog binary log
06:48  sich daran halten to adhere to it
06:49  Geltungsraum (etw. ) area of validity (of sth.)
07:21  seinen Worten Taten folgen lassen to walk the walk
09:39  Bosutinib bosutinib
09:39  Cabozantinib cabozantinib
09:39  Erlotinib erlotinib
10:07  Veilchenkehlkolibri violet-throated starfrontlet
10:08  Religionssystematik Systematics of Religion
10:08  Religionssystematik systematic theology
10:09  Nervenplage nervous disease
10:09  reinewegs completely
10:28  Haarbalgmilbe (des Menschen) hair follicle mite
10:28  Haarbalgmilbe (des Menschen) hair follicle mite
11:58  Dateibefehl file command
14:23  bei Nacht und Nebel in the dead of night
14:23  etw. zugrunde legen to take sth. as a basis
17:48  Sulfidgehalt sulphide content
17:48  Sulfidgehalt sulfide content
18:43  Lebermasse liver mass
18:45  Organgröße organ size
18:48  Haarschneiderin hairdresser
18:48  Haareschneider hairdresser
18:49  Coiffeur hairdresser
18:49  Coiffeuse hairdresser
18:50  Friseur hairdresser
18:50  Friseurin hairdresser
18:51  Frisör hairdresser
18:52  Frisörin hairdresser
18:52  Friseuse hairdresser
18:53  Friseure hairdressers
18:53  Frisöre hairdressers
18:53  Friseurinnen hairdressers
18:54  Friseusen woman hairdressers
18:54  Frisösen woman hairdressers
18:55  Damenfriseur hairdresser
18:56  Friseuse woman hairdresser
18:56  Frisöse woman hairdresser
18:56  Friseurbesuch hairdresser's visit
18:57  Friseurhocker hairdresser's stool
18:57  Friseurhocker hairdresser stool
18:57  Friseurstuhl hairdresser's chair
18:59  Friseurstuhl hairdresser chair
19:02  Barbier gentlemen's hairdresser
19:05  Lieblingsfriseur favorite hairdresser
19:06  Lieblingsfrisör favorite hairdresser
19:06  Lieblingsfriseur favourite hairdresser
19:06  Lieblingsfrisör favourite hairdresser
19:07  Friseur haircutter
19:07  Frisör haircutter
19:08  Coiffeur hair stylist
19:08  Friseur coiffeur
19:09  Frisör coiffeur
19:12  Herrenfriseur barber
19:13  Friseur barber
19:13  Frisör barber
19:13  Friseurgewerbe barbering
19:15  Friseure barbers
19:16  Frisöre barbers
19:19  Frisierstuhl barber chair
19:19  Friseursalon barber shop
19:21  Chirurgen surgeons
19:22  Bader shaver
19:22  Bader barber
19:24  Bader chirotonsor
19:27  Friseurladen barber's
19:28  Herrenfriseurladen barber's
19:28  Wundarzt surgeon
19:29  Wundarzt barber surgeon
19:29  Wundärztin surgeon
19:30  Friseurschere barber's clippers
19:30  Barbierstuhl barber's chair
19:30  Herrenfriseurladen barber's shop
19:31  Friseurladen barber's shop
19:31  Dorfbarbier village barber
19:31  Frisierstuhl barber's chair
19:32  Barbier barber
19:33  Haarschere hair clippers
19:33  Nagelknipser nail clippers
19:33  Nagelzange nail clippers
19:34  Friseurladen hairdresser's
19:34  Friseurladen barbershop
19:36  Frisörladen barbershop
19:37  Friseursalon hairdresser's
19:37  Frisiersalon hairdresser's
19:39  Frisiersalon hairdressing salon
19:39  Frisörsalon hairdressing salon
19:39  Friseursalon hairdressing salon
19:40  Friseur hair salon
19:40  Friseursalon hair salon
19:41  Friseursalon beauty salon
19:41  Kosmetiksalon beauty salon
19:41  Kosmetiksalons beauty parlours
19:41  Kosmetiksalon beauty parlour
19:42  Kosmetiksalon beauty parlor
19:42  Schönheitssalons beauty parlors
19:42  Schönheitssalon beauty parlor
19:42  Schönheitssalons beauty parlours
19:43  Schönheitssalons beauty salons
19:43  Dasatinib dasatinib
19:43  Schönheitssalon beauty parlour
19:43  Schönheitssalon beauty salon
19:44  Kosmetikpraxis beauty parlor
19:44  Kosmetikpraxis beauty parlour
19:44  Lieblingsnase favorite nose
19:44  Blechbearbeitung sheet metal working
19:44  Kosmetikstudio beauty parlor
19:45  Kosmetikstudio cosmetic studio
20:39  Kosmetiktasche cosmetic bag
21:45  Kosmetikstudio beauty parlour
21:51  Linksabweichler left-wing dissenter
21:51  Linksabweichlerin left-wing dissenter
21:52  Veröffentlichungsdatum publication date
21:56  Metallverformung metal deformation
22:14  sich frisieren to do one's hair
23:25  Randschicht surface layer
23:26  Blechverformung sheet metal deformation
23:27  Veröffentlichungstermin publication date
23:28  Veröffentlichungstermin date of publication
23:28  Linksabweichler left-wing deviationist
23:28  Linksabweichlerin left-wing deviationist
23:28  Randschichthärtung surface (layer) hardening
23:29  Oberflächenhärten surface hardening
23:29  Randschichthärten surface hardening (treatment)
23:29  Oberflächenhärtung surface hardening
23:30  Zinnlegierung tin alloy
23:31  Dienstjubiläum work anniversary
23:33  Tortenanschlag cake attack
23:35  Flattrigkeit flightiness

Weitere Sprachen

00:32  EN-NO   snowmobile snøscooter
00:32  EN-NO   snowmobile snøskuter
07:59  EN-FR   bath mat natte de bain
07:59  EN-FR   panther grouper mérou de Grace Kelly
07:59  EN-FR   humpback grouper mérou de Grace Kelly
08:14  EN-FR   to bunk off faire une escapade
08:14  EN-FR   to bunk off s'éclipser
08:19  EN-FR   fierce controversy vive polémique
08:19  EN-FR   curriculum cursus
08:20  EN-FR   by way of compensation en contrepartie
08:20  EN-FR   lively vif
08:20  EN-FR   trick-riding act numéro de voltige
08:21  EN-FR   to bunk off school faire l'école buissonnière
08:21  EN-FR   to have one's cake and eat it jouir du beurre et de l'argent du beurre
08:21  EN-FR   upward mobility ascension sociale
08:22  EN-FR   to innovate innover
08:25  EN-FR   ambience ambiance
08:26  EN-FR   better off mieux loti
08:26  EN-FR   educative éducatif
08:26  EN-FR   (general) public public
08:26  EN-FR   to impanel a jury constituer un jury
08:26  EN-FR   to empanel a jury constituer un jury
08:26  EN-FR   fortunate loti
08:29  EN-FR   violet-throated starfrontlet inca violifère
09:28  DE-SV   Schwimmunterricht simlektion
09:28  DE-SV   Schwimmunterricht simkurs
09:28  DE-SV   Lärmverschmutzung ljudförorening
09:28  DE-SV   Lärmbelastung ljudförorening
09:29  DE-SV   Gleitschirmfliegerin skärmflygare
09:34  DE-RO   Sackelhausen Săcălaz
10:00  EN-NO   principled prinsippfast
10:00  EN-NO   this and that ting og tang
10:00  EN-NO   far-reaching langtrekkende
10:00  EN-NO   Out of the question! Ikke snakk om!
10:00  EN-NO   Out of the question! Det kommer ikke på tale!
10:00  EN-SV   psychochemical psykokemisk
10:00  EN-SV   psychochemistry psykokemi
10:01  EN-IT   blockage intasamento
10:01  EN-IT   Aachen Cathedral Treasury tesoro della cattedrale di Aquisgrana
10:01  DE-EO   Muslima islamanino
10:01  DE-EO   Buddhist budhisto
10:01  DE-EO   Korkeiche korkokverko
10:01  DE-EO   Minuskel minusklo
10:01  DE-EO   Majuskel majusklo
10:01  DE-EO   brüllen muĝi
10:02  DE-EO   Sumpfrohrsänger grenokanbirdo
10:02  DE-EO   Kandidatin kandidatino
10:02  DE-EO   Scheide vagino
10:02  DE-EO   Fraß fimanĝaĵo
10:02  DE-EO   Gleithörnchen flugsciuro
10:02  DE-EO   Atheistin ateistino
10:02  DE-EO   Wissenschaftlerin sciencistino
10:02  DE-EO   Ja jeso
10:02  DE-EO   Feldspat feldspato
10:02  DE-EO   Grauwacke graŭvako
10:02  DE-EO   Moslem islamano
10:02  DE-EO   Feldahorn kampa acero
10:02  DE-EO   Nekrose nekrozo
10:02  DE-EO   Abasie abazio
10:05  DE-EO   Aussprache elparolo
10:25  EN-FR   barramundi cod mérou de Grace Kelly
10:25  EN-FR   panther grouper mérou bossu
10:25  EN-FR   humpback grouper mérou bossu
10:25  EN-FR   khadi khādī
10:25  EN-FR   all over the place partout
10:25  EN-FR   anywhere partout
10:25  EN-FR   universally partout
10:25  EN-FR   all over partout
10:25  EN-FR   anywhere you are partout
10:25  EN-FR   in all places partout
10:25  EN-FR   all over hell's half acre partout
10:25  EN-FR   Australian sandalwood (tree) bois de santal australien
10:25  EN-FR   Macao Macao
10:26  EN-FR   to put oneself through special training se soumettre à un entraînement spécial
10:26  EN-FR   workout entraînement
10:26  EN-FR   compressor unit for direct drive groupe de compression pour entraînement direct
10:26  EN-FR   compressor unit for belt drive groupe de compression pour entraînement par courroie
10:26  EN-FR   belt drive entraînement par courroie
10:26  EN-FR   v-belt drive entraînement par courroie trapézoïdale
10:26  EN-FR   direct drive entraînement par accouplement direct
10:26  EN-FR   queue natte
10:26  EN-FR   pigtail natte
10:26  EN-FR   bathmat natte de bain
10:26  EN-FR   to do the job properly ne pas faire les choses à moitié
10:26  EN-FR   to do the thing properly ne pas faire les choses à moitié
10:26  EN-FR   to fish or cut bait ne pas faire les choses à moitié
10:42  EN-FR   to schmooze sb. passer de la pommade à qn.
11:29  DE-RO   morgen Nachmittag mâine după-amiază
11:29  DE-RO   gestern Nachmittag ieri după-amiază
11:54  EN-LA   equity iustitia
11:54  EN-LA   natural number numerus naturalis
11:54  EN-LA   first princeps
11:54  EN-LA   foremost princeps
11:54  EN-LA   first man princeps
11:54  EN-LA   first person princeps
11:54  EN-LA   chief princeps
11:56  EN-LA   first princeps
11:56  EN-LA   principal princeps
11:56  EN-LA   head princeps
11:56  EN-LA   author princeps
11:56  EN-LA   originator princeps
11:56  EN-LA   leader princeps
11:56  EN-LA   contriver princeps
11:56  EN-LA   superior princeps
11:56  EN-LA   director princeps
11:56  EN-LA   founder princeps
11:56  EN-LA   prince princeps
11:56  EN-LA   ruler princeps
11:56  EN-LA   sovereign princeps
11:56  EN-LA   emperor princeps
11:56  EN-LA   having two lights bilychnis
11:56  EN-LA   two thousand duo milia
11:56  EN-LA   three thousand tres milia
11:56  EN-LA   four times quater
11:56  EN-LA   three times ter
11:56  EN-LA   to do for the third time tertiare
11:56  EN-LA   thrice tertio
11:56  EN-LA   for the third time tertio
11:56  EN-LA   thirdly tertio
11:56  EN-LA   greater by a third tertiatus
11:56  EN-LA   for the fifth time quinto
11:56  EN-LA   for the fifth time quintum
11:56  EN-LA   quintessence quinta pars
11:56  EN-LA   six times sexies
11:56  EN-LA   for the sixth time sextum
11:56  EN-LA   six times sexto
11:56  EN-LA   eleventh undecimus
11:56  EN-LA   twelfth duodecimus
11:56  EN-LA   for the twelfth time duodecimo
11:56  EN-LA   to press back reprimere
11:56  EN-LA   to keep back reprimere
11:56  EN-LA   to curb reprimere
11:57  EN-LA   to limit reprimere
11:57  EN-LA   to confine reprimere
11:57  EN-LA   to hem in reprimere
11:57  EN-LA   eight times octies
11:57  EN-LA   five times quinquies
11:57  EN-LA   five times quinquiens
11:57  EN-LA   nine hundred thousand nongenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   eight hundred thousand octingenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   seven hundred thousand septingenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   six hundred thousand sescenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   five hundred thousand quingenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   four hundred thousand quadringenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   three hundred thousand trecenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   (one) hundred thousand centum milia
11:57  EN-LA   two hundred thousand ducenti milia
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-nine undetriginta
11:57  EN-LA   defeated victus
11:57  EN-LA   vanquished victus
11:57  EN-LA   conquered victus
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-two duo (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-two viginti (et) duo
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-three tres (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-three viginti (et) tres
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-four quattuor (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-four viginti (et) quattuor
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-five viginti (et) quinque
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-five quinque (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-six sex (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-six viginti (et) sex
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-seven viginti (et) septem
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-seven septem (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-eight viginti (et) octo
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-eight octo (et) viginti
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-eight duodetriginta
11:57  EN-LA   twenty-nine novem (et) viginti
11:59  EN-LA   twenty-nine viginti (et) novem
11:59  EN-LA   agreement condictum
11:59  EN-LA   appointment condictum
12:00  EN-LA   in bondage on account of debt obaeratus
12:00  EN-LA   involved in debt obaeratus
12:00  EN-LA   debtor obaeratus
12:00  EN-LA   mingled mixturatus
12:00  EN-LA   mixed mixturatus
12:00  EN-LA   four thousand quattuor milia
12:00  EN-LA   abounding in beasts beluosus
12:00  EN-LA   abounding in monsters beluosus
12:00  EN-LA   internal internus
12:00  EN-LA   inward internus
12:00  EN-LA   domestic internus
12:00  EN-LA   civil internus
12:00  EN-LA   interior parts interna
12:00  EN-LA   domestic affairs interna
12:00  EN-LA   internal affairs interna
12:00  EN-LA   intestines interna
12:00  EN-LA   entrails interna
12:00  EN-LA   inwardly interne
12:00  EN-LA   internally interne
12:00  EN-LA   somewhat spindle-shaped subfusiformis
12:00  EN-LA   belonging to the number forty quadragenarius
12:00  EN-LA   of the number forty quadragenarius
12:00  EN-LA   consisting of forty quadragenarius
12:04  EN-LA   having two furrows bisulcus
12:04  EN-LA   forked bisulcus
12:04  EN-LA   cloven bisulcus
12:04  EN-LA   divided into two parts bisulcus
12:04  EN-LA   two-cleft bisulcus
12:04  EN-LA   animals with cloven feet bisulca
12:04  EN-LA   forked bisulcis
12:04  EN-LA   divided into two parts bisulcis
12:04  EN-LA   cloven-footed bisulcis
12:04  EN-LA   cloven bisulcis
12:04  EN-LA   bituminous bitumineus
12:04  EN-LA   consisting of bitumen bitumineus
12:04  EN-LA   of bitumen bitumineus
12:04  EN-LA   having two ways bivius
12:04  EN-LA   having two passages bivius
12:04  EN-LA   of two ways bivius
12:04  EN-LA   having two approaches bivius
12:04  EN-LA   place with two ways bivium
12:04  EN-LA   place where two ways meet bivium
12:04  EN-LA   growing upon Mount Algidus Algidensis
12:04  EN-LA   pertaining to Algidum Algidus
12:04  EN-LA   cold algidus
12:04  EN-LA    Algidus
12:04  EN-LA   that makes cold algificus
12:04  EN-LA   chilling algificus
12:04  EN-LA   furnished with a handle ansatus
12:04  EN-LA   having a handle ansatus
12:04  EN-LA   living upon seaweed algensis
12:04  EN-LA   easily freezing alsiosus
12:04  EN-LA   susceptible to cold alsiosus
12:04  EN-LA   susceptible to cold algiosus
12:04  EN-LA   easily freezing algiosus
12:04  EN-LA   abounding in seaweed algosus
12:04  EN-LA   fastened before antefixus
12:04  EN-LA   fixed before antefixus
12:04  EN-LA   nailed antefixus
12:04  EN-LA   talk sermo
12:04  EN-LA   disputation sermo
12:04  EN-LA   discussion sermo
12:04  EN-LA   speech sermo
12:04  EN-LA   speaking sermo
12:04  EN-LA   talking sermo
12:04  EN-LA   language of conversation sermo
12:04  EN-LA   manner of speaking sermo
12:04  EN-LA   mode of expression sermo
12:04  EN-LA   language sermo
12:04  EN-LA   style sermo
12:04  EN-LA   diction sermo
12:04  EN-LA   utterance sermo
12:04  EN-LA   declaration sermo
12:04  EN-LA   report sermo
12:04  EN-LA   rumor sermo
12:04  EN-LA   first language sermo patrius
12:04  EN-LA   native language sermo patrius
12:04  EN-LA   native tongue sermo patrius
12:04  EN-LA   mother tongue sermo patrius
12:04  EN-LA   before light antelucanus
12:04  EN-LA   before day antelucanus
12:05  EN-LA   before dawn antelucanus
12:05  EN-LA   poured between interfusus
12:05  EN-LA   interposed interfusus
12:05  EN-LA   bearing a two-edged axe bipennifer
12:12  EN-LA   very sharp peracer
12:34  DE-FI   Afatinib afatinibi
12:34  DE-FI   Dasatinib dasatinibi
12:34  DE-FI   Erlotinib erlotinibi
12:34  EN-FI   afatinib afatinibi
12:35  EN-FI   dasatinib dasatinibi
12:35  EN-FI   erlotinib erlotinibi
12:41  EN-NO   thyroid cancer skjoldbruskkjertelkreft
12:42  EN-NO   cancer of the thyroid (gland) skjoldbruskkjertelkreft
12:48  EN-LA   belonging to the entrails extaris
12:48  EN-LA   of the entrails extaris
12:48  EN-LA   for cooking entrails extaris
12:48  EN-LA   wave bringing fluctiger
12:48  EN-LA   wave impelling fluctiger
12:48  EN-LA   driven about by the waves fluctivagus
12:48  EN-LA   flowing down to the feet fluxipedus
12:48  EN-LA   struck by lightning fulguritus
12:48  EN-LA   struck by lightning fulguratus
12:48  DE-RO   Mord verjährt nicht. Crima nu se prescrie.
12:48  EN-LA   of a mushroom funginus
12:48  EN-LA   like a mushroom funginus
12:48  EN-LA   of a fungus funginus
12:48  EN-LA   cudgel-banging fustitudinus
12:48  DE-RO   intellektuelle Beeinträchtigung deficiență intelectuală
12:48  EN-LA   rejoicing gaudibundus
12:48  DE-RO   Tierzüchter crescători de animale
12:48  DE-RO   Tierzüchter crescător de animale
12:49  EN-LA   rejoicing gaudebundus
12:49  EN-LA   full of joy gaudivigens
12:49  EN-LA   alive with joy gaudivigens
12:49  EN-LA   covered with a gausapa gausapatus
12:49  EN-LA   clothed in frieze gausapatus
12:49  EN-LA   covered over gausapatus
12:49  EN-LA   grassy gramineus
12:49  EN-LA   covered with grass gramineus
12:49  EN-LA   of grass gramineus
12:50  EN-LA   very lamentable elamentabilis
12:50  EN-LA   of a place for burning the dead bustuarius
12:50  EN-LA   pertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned bustuarius
12:51  EN-LA   of the place where dead bodies were burned bustuarius
12:51  EN-LA   covered with bars cancellosus
12:51  EN-LA   covered with a railing cancellosus
12:51  EN-LA   furnished with socci soccatus
12:51  EN-LA   wearing socci soccatus
12:51  EN-LA   nine times nonies
12:51  EN-LA   ten times deciens
12:51  EN-LA   ten times decies
12:51  EN-LA   eleven times undecies
12:51  EN-LA   eleven times undeciens
12:51  EN-LA   twelve times duodecies
12:51  EN-LA   twelve times duodeciens
12:51  EN-LA   fourteen quatuordecim
12:52  EN-LA   seventh septimus
12:52  EN-LA   fourth quartus
12:52  EN-LA   fifth quintus
12:52  EN-LA   sixth sextus
12:52  EN-LA   eighth octavus
12:52  EN-LA   ninth nonus
12:52  EN-LA   tenth decimus
12:52  EN-LA   thirteenth tertius decimus
12:52  EN-LA   fourteenth quartus decimus
12:52  EN-LA   fifteenth quintus decimus
12:52  EN-LA   sixteenth sextus decimus
12:52  EN-LA   seventeenth septimus decimus
12:52  EN-LA   eighteenth duodevicesimus
12:52  EN-LA   consisting of four each quaternarius
12:52  EN-LA   containing four quaternarius
12:52  EN-LA   quaternary quaternarius
12:52  EN-LA   divided into two parts bifidus
12:52  EN-LA   cleft into two parts bifidus
12:52  EN-LA   of the olive tree oleaginus
12:52  EN-LA   thumb pollex
12:52  EN-LA   great toe pollex
12:52  EN-LA   stump pollex
12:52  EN-LA   knob pollex
12:52  EN-LA   protuberance pollex
12:52  EN-LA   arbitrary arbitrarius
12:52  EN-LA   of arbitration arbitrarius
12:52  EN-LA   arbitrating arbitrarius
12:52  EN-LA   done by way of arbitration arbitrarius
12:53  EN-LA   depending on the will arbitrarius
12:53  EN-LA   Baetic Baeticus
12:53  EN-LA   divided into two parts biceps
12:53  EN-LA   sparing of words breviloquens
12:53  EN-LA   brief breviloquens
12:53  EN-LA   speaking briefly breviloquens
12:53  EN-LA   brevity of speech breviloquentia
12:53  EN-LA   regular frequens
12:53  EN-LA   constant frequens
12:53  EN-LA   frequent frequens
12:53  EN-LA   repeated frequens
12:53  EN-LA   common frequens
12:53  EN-LA   usual frequens
12:53  EN-LA   assembled in great numbers frequens
12:53  EN-LA   full frequens
12:53  EN-LA   crowded frequens
12:53  EN-LA   numerous frequens
12:53  EN-LA   filled frequens
12:53  EN-LA   populous frequens
12:53  EN-LA   much frequented frequens
12:53  EN-LA   well stocked frequens
12:53  EN-LA   assiduous frequens
12:53  EN-LA   frequently frequenter
12:53  EN-LA   numerously frequenter
12:53  EN-LA   in great numbers frequenter
12:53  EN-LA   by many frequenter
12:53  EN-LA   eloquent eloquens
12:53  EN-LA   rare infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   seldom infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   unusual infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   unfrequent infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   seldom used infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   not filled infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   not well provided infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   not acquainted infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   not crowded infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   infrequent infrequens
12:53  EN-LA   rarely infrequenter
12:53  EN-LA   bearing boxtrees buxifer
12:53  EN-LA   pertaining to the trunk of a tree caudiceus
12:53  EN-LA   shining lucens
12:53  EN-LA   bright lucens
12:53  EN-LA   conspicuous lucens
12:53  EN-LA   shining around circumlucens
12:53  EN-LA   glittering around circumlucens
12:54  EN-LA   (lying) on this side of the Alps cisalpinus
12:54  EN-LA   cisalpine cisalpinus
12:54  EN-LA   similar in all respects consimilis
12:54  EN-LA   entirely similar consimilis
12:54  EN-LA   very similarly consimiliter
12:54  EN-LA   in like manner consimiliter
12:54  EN-LA   moonless illunis
12:54  EN-LA   without moonlight illunis
12:54  EN-LA   full of fancies imaginosus
12:54  EN-LA   somewhat wicked improbulus
12:54  EN-LA   a trifle impudent improbulus
12:54  EN-LA   somewhat complicated contortulus
12:54  EN-LA   somewhat intricate contortulus
12:54  EN-LA   somewhat perverse contortulus
12:54  EN-LA   like a crocodile crocodilinus
12:54  EN-LA   belonging to the preparation of saffron-colored garments crocotarius
12:54  EN-LA   of the preparation of saffron-colored garments crocotarius
12:54  EN-LA   crystalline crystallinus
12:54  EN-LA   made of crystal crystallinus
12:54  EN-LA   crystal crystallinus
12:54  EN-LA   vessel made of crystal crystallinum
12:54  EN-LA   transparent like crystal crystallicus
12:54  EN-LA   furnished with bedchambers cubiculatus
12:54  EN-LA   furnished with state-rooms cubiculatus
12:54  EN-LA   clothing worn at table vestimenta cubitoria
12:54  EN-LA   belonging to a reclining posture cubitorius
12:56  EN-LA   of a reclining posture cubitorius
12:57  EN-LA   earnestly entreating deprecabundus
12:57  EN-LA   hurtful detrimentosus
12:57  EN-LA   detrimental detrimentosus
12:57  EN-LA   somewhat hard duriusculus
12:57  EN-LA   somewhat rough duriusculus
12:57  EN-LA   somewhat harsh duriusculus
12:57  EN-LA   of the hazel colurnus
12:57  EN-LA   of hazel-wood colurnus
12:57  EN-LA   made of the hazel-bush colurnus
12:57  EN-LA   propped (up) effultus
12:57  EN-LA   supported effultus
12:57  EN-LA   highly wrought elaboratus
12:57  EN-LA   finished elaboratus
12:57  EN-LA   labored elaboratus
12:57  EN-LA   persevering labor elaboratus
12:57  EN-LA   of silver argenteolus
13:08  EN-NO   proportional proporsjonal
13:22  DE-SV   passen att säga pass
13:57  EN-FR   to make a real job of it ne pas faire les choses à moitié
13:57  EN-FR   to not do things by halves ne pas faire les choses à moitié
13:57  EN-FR   to not cut corners ne pas faire les choses à moitié
13:57  EN-FR   slings and arrows la fronde et les flèches
13:57  EN-FR   reboot redémarrage
13:57  EN-FR   relaunch redémarrage
13:57  EN-FR   reset redémarrage
13:57  EN-FR   restart redémarrage
13:57  EN-FR   new start redémarrage
14:06  EN-FR   to bring sth. back into use réintroduire qc.
14:06  EN-FR   to relaunch sth. réintroduire qc.
14:06  EN-FR   to reinsert sth. réintroduire qc.
14:06  EN-FR   to ice sth. frapper qc.
14:48  DE-RU   jdm. auf den Wecker gehen надоесть кому-л.
14:53  DE-RU   Eisenkette железная цепь
15:15  DE-RU   Hochleistungsfaser высокопрочное волокно
16:14  DE-RO   Nullfolge șir convergent la zero
16:47  DE-RO   abwägen a cumpăni
16:48  DE-RO   weitersagen a spune mai departe
16:48  DE-RO   Phenprocoumon fenprocumonă
16:48  DE-RO   Nagelkopf floarea cuiului
17:12  EN-SV   ticket hall biljetthall
17:35  DE-SV   Erbsen enthülsen att sprita ärtor
17:45  DE-IS   Warenwirtschaftssystem birgðakerfi
17:49  EN-FR   significant figure chiffre significatif
17:49  EN-FR   laboratory glassware verrerie de laboratoire
17:49  EN-FR   desiccator dessiccateur
17:49  EN-FR   Thiele tube tube de Thiele
17:49  EN-FR   Vigreux column colonne de Vigreux
17:49  EN-FR   plate reader lecteur de plaques
17:49  EN-FR   microplate reader lecteur de plaques
17:49  EN-FR   microplate photometer lecteur de plaques
17:49  EN-FR   crucible tongs pince à creuset
17:49  EN-FR   polarimeter polarimètre
17:49  EN-FR   authorised overdraft (facility) découvert autorisé
17:49  EN-FR   exposed terrain découvert
17:50  EN-FR   in deficit à découvert
17:50  EN-FR   overdrawn à découvert
17:50  EN-FR   exposed à découvert
17:50  EN-FR   openly à découvert
17:50  EN-FR   publicly ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   openly ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   in public ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   frankly ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   honestly ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   candidly ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   blatantly ouvertement
17:50  EN-FR   forthrightly ouvertement
17:51  EN-FR   straightforwardly ouvertement
17:51  EN-FR   strike but
17:51  EN-FR   strike touche
17:51  EN-FR   raid assaut
17:51  EN-FR   onslaught assaut
17:51  EN-FR   strike assaut
17:51  EN-FR   thunderbolt éclair
17:51  EN-FR   bolt éclair
17:51  EN-FR   (lightning) strike éclair
17:51  EN-FR   lightning flash éclair
17:51  EN-FR   bolt of lightning éclair
17:51  EN-FR   to sweet-talk sb. passer de la pommade à qn.
17:52  EN-FR   to strike back rendre un coup
17:52  EN-FR   to strike back at sb. répliquer à qn.
17:52  EN-FR   to strike camp lever le camp
17:52  EN-FR   to strike down sth. supprimer qc.
17:53  EN-FR   to strike it rich trouver le filon
17:53  EN-FR   to strike gold trouver le filon
17:53  EN-FR   to hit the target faire mouche
17:53  EN-FR   to hit the mark faire mouche
17:53  EN-FR   hit the spot faire mouche
17:53  EN-FR   to strike home faire mouche
17:53  EN-FR   to hit the nail on the head faire mouche
17:53  EN-FR   to strike midnight sonner les douze coups de minuit
17:53  EN-FR   to strike twelve sonner les douze coups de minuit
17:53  EN-FR   to remove sb. radier qn.
18:03  DE-RU   Hochfrequenz- высокочастотный
18:06  EN-RU   misfortune несчастье
18:09  EN-RU   runner бегун
18:10  EN-RU   boxing boots боксёрки
18:11  EN-RU   cannon fodder пушечное мясо
18:13  EN-RU   spacing интервал
21:32  DE-ES   Mountainbiking ciclismo de montaña
21:32  DE-ES   Radrennen carrera de ciclismo
21:33  DE-ES   Fahrrad fahren montar en bicicleta