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Ing. Paul Hemetsberger

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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 13. Mai 2023

01:20  (Südlicher) Blauflossen-Thun (southern) tunny
01:26  Zweifarben-Fuchsgesicht Fiji foxface
01:26  Braungelbes Fuchsgesicht Fiji foxface
01:27  Braungelbes Fuchsgesicht bicolour foxface
01:28  Braungelbes Fuchsgesicht bicolor foxface
01:33  Zweifarben-Fuchsgesicht bicolor foxface
01:33  Braungelbes Fuchsgesicht bicoloured foxface
01:35  Gefleckter Kaninchenfisch golden rabbitfish
01:36  Wellenlinien-Kaninchenfisch goldspot spinefoot
01:36  Goldfleck-Kaninchenfisch goldspot spinefoot
01:37  Linierter Kaninchenfisch goldspot spinefoot
01:44  Gemusterter Kaninchenfisch scribbled rabbitfish
01:44  Gemusterter Kaninchenfisch blunt-nosed spinefoot
01:44  Gemusterter Kaninchenfisch spiny rabbitfish
01:44  Gemusterter Kaninchenfisch spiny spinefoot
01:45  Andamanen-Fuchsgesicht magnificent foxface
01:48  Andamanen-Fuchsgesicht Andaman foxface
01:48  Blauflossen-Thun bluefin tuna
05:36  Zweifarben-Fuchsgesicht black foxface
05:37  Braungelbes Fuchsgesicht black foxface
05:38  Braungelbes Fuchsgesicht Uspi spinefoot (foxface)
05:38  Zweifarben-Fuchsgesicht Uspi spinefoot (foxface)
05:39  jdm. etw. zuwerfen to chuck sth. to sb.
05:39  etw. zuwerfen to slam sth.
05:40  gegen jdn./etw. keinen Widerstand leisten to offer no resistance to sb./sth.
05:40  jdm./etw. keinen Widerstand leisten to offer no resistance to sb./sth.
05:40  keinen Widerstand leisten to offer no resistance
05:40  ganz dreckig black all over
05:41  Der Baum nahm uns die Sicht auf die Bucht. The tree obscured the bay from our view.
05:41  Goldfleck-Kaninchenfisch goldlined / gold-lined rabbitfish
05:41  Goldfleck-Kaninchenfisch goldenlined / golden-lined spinefoot
05:41  Goldfleck-Kaninchenfisch lined rabbitfish / rabbit fish
05:42  (Indischer) Korallen-Kaninchenfisch coral rabbitfish
05:42  Wellenlinien-Kaninchenfisch goldenlined / golden-lined spinefoot
05:42  Linierter Kaninchenfisch goldlined / gold-lined rabbitfish
05:42  Wellenlinien-Kaninchenfisch goldlined / gold-lined rabbitfish
05:42  Linierter Kaninchenfisch lined rabbitfish / rabbit fish
05:42  Wellenlinien-Kaninchenfisch lined rabbitfish / rabbit fish
05:42  beweisend proving
05:43  Messinganode brass anode
05:44  veranlassend inducing
05:44  wettermäßig weatherwise
06:03  Brunftgeschehen rutting
07:46  Lappen wimp
07:46  Messingwaren brassware
07:47  sich davonstehlen to sneak off
08:04  Hochstapelei fraud
09:08  Hausleitung house management
09:45  Klangprojektion sound projection
09:46  Impostor-Selbstkonzept impostor self-concept
12:10  Subvariante subvariant
12:39  Deich stopbank
13:07  Wo denkst du hin? What are you thinking?
13:38  extrem crazy
13:38  Morgenjournal morning journal
14:13  Soweit mir erinnerlich ist, ... If (my) memory serves me right, ...
15:37  am Zeiger drehen to go crazy
15:56  sich an etw. entsinnen to recall sth.
15:56  mit halbem Ohr zuhören / hinhören to listen with half an ear
15:59  (etw. ) hinabschwimmen to swim down (sth.)
16:27  Präventivhaft preventive detention
17:00  Ich habe nur mit halbem Ohr zugehört. I was only listening with half an ear.
18:26  Zyankalium potassium cyanide
18:35  Rasur shave
18:35  Rasieren shave
18:35  Morgenluft wittern to see one's chance
18:37  Er ist für mich gestorben. He doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.
18:38  Rechtskreiseldrehung natural spin turn
18:52  vor sich hin wursteln to be groping in the dark
18:59  Flickendecke crazy quilt
18:59  Patchworkdecke crazy quilt
19:32  Präventivhaft preventive custody
19:38  Bergschlucht mountain gorge
19:39  Bergschlucht ravine
19:56  im Stillen secretly
20:01  Rasur rasure
20:02  Feuerwerk pyrotechnics
20:03  sich etw. entsinnen to remember sth.
20:05  Arzt medical doctor
20:07  umstellt sein to be surrounded
20:18  Haferfaser oat fiber
20:26  Haferfaser oat fibre
20:43  Brandursachenermittlung fire investigation
20:45  geradsinnig honest
20:46  Speisebrei chyme
20:58  Sukkus succus
20:58  Sucus succus
20:59  Succus succus
21:06  Unterbindungsgewahrsam preventive custody
21:06  Anschussbruch
21:19  Succus gist
21:30  Speisesaft chyle
21:32  Suderant grouch
21:46  Magensekret gastric juice
21:46  Magensaft gastric juice
22:09  Darmsekret intestinal juice
22:13  Gehörsturz acute hearing loss
22:15  Innenohrleistung labyrinthine efficiency
22:35  Kurzstreckenkarte short-trip ticket
22:36  das Haar offen tragen to wear one's hair loose
22:51  etw. ergattern to (manage to) get sth.
22:55  Tonschwellenaudiogramm (pure) tone threshold audiogram
23:14  Ohrinfarkt acute (idiopathic sensorineural) hearing loss

Weitere Sprachen

03:34  DE-NO   gierig glupsk
07:27  DE-ES   Abschlussball baile de despedida
07:30  DE-ES   Vermögen bienes
07:59  EN-RO   triode triodă
07:59  EN-RO   automobile plant uzină de automobile
08:00  EN-RO   matter of taste chestiune de gust
08:00  EN-RO   Strait of Magellan Strâmtoarea Magellan
08:00  EN-RO   Straits of Magellan Strâmtoarea Magellan
08:00  EN-RO   Vandals vandali
08:00  EN-RO   chief of state șeful statului
08:00  EN-RO   chief of state șeful statului
08:00  EN-RO   head of state șeful statului
08:00  EN-RO   data cable cablu de date
08:00  EN-RO   gladiators gladiatori
08:00  EN-RO   New Zealander neozeelandeză
08:01  EN-RO   for the first time pentru prima oară
08:01  EN-RO   for the first time pentru prima dată
08:01  EN-RO   match ball minge de meci
08:01  EN-RO   robbery tâlhărie
08:01  EN-RO   cue tac
08:01  EN-RO   spear suliță
08:01  EN-RO   engagement angajament
08:01  EN-RO   to reveal a dezvălui
08:01  EN-RO   proficiency competență
08:01  EN-RO   quarter past five cinci și un sfert
08:02  EN-RO   north wing aripă de nord
08:02  EN-RO   north wing aripă de nord
08:02  EN-RO   northern wing aripă de nord
08:02  EN-RO   barmaid barmaniță
08:02  EN-RO   bartender barmaniță
08:02  EN-RO   bartender barmaniță
08:02  EN-RO   (a) quarter past five cinci și un sfert
08:02  EN-RO   bronzer autobronzant
08:03  EN-RO   Asturian asturiană
08:03  EN-RO   ticket (vending) machine automat de bilete
08:03  EN-RO   ticket machine automat de bilete
08:03  EN-RO   burns of the third degree arsuri de gradul trei
08:03  EN-RO   brain activity activitate cerebrală
08:03  EN-RO   cerebral activity activitate cerebrală
08:03  EN-RO   anosmic anosmic
08:03  EN-RO   anti-depressant (agent) antidepresiv
08:03  EN-RO   antidepressant (agent) antidepresiv
08:03  EN-RO   preceding year an precedent
08:03  EN-RO   preceding year an precedent
08:03  EN-RO   previous year an precedent
08:03  EN-RO   prior year an precedent
08:03  EN-RO   arc length lungime a arcului
08:03  EN-RO   appliance aparat de uz casnic
08:03  EN-RO   domestic appliance aparat de uz casnic
08:03  EN-RO   home appliance aparat de uz casnic
08:03  EN-RO   household appliance aparat de uz casnic
08:03  EN-RO   anticorrosive anticoroziv
08:04  EN-RO   pyloric antrum antru piloric
08:04  EN-RO   interior architect arhitectă de interioare
08:04  EN-RO   needle ac de cusut
08:04  EN-RO   sewing needle ac de cusut
08:04  EN-RO   Akkadian akkadiană
08:04  EN-RO   almanac almanah
08:04  EN-RO   almanack almanah
08:04  EN-RO   antitussive (agent) antitusiv
08:04  EN-RO   antitussive (medicine) antitusiv
08:04  EN-RO   antitussive (medicine) antitusiv
08:04  EN-RO   cough medicine antitusiv
08:04  EN-RO   cough medicine antitusiv
08:04  EN-RO   apostles apostoli
08:04  EN-RO   archived arhivat
08:04  EN-RO   fourth-degree burn arsură de gradul patru
08:05  EN-RO   autohaemotherapy autohemoterapie
08:05  EN-RO   autohemotherapy autohemoterapie
08:05  EN-RO   elective affinity afinitate electivă
08:05  EN-RO   coronary angioplasty angioplastie coronariană
08:05  EN-RO   anti-depressants antidepresive
08:05  EN-RO   antidepressants antidepresive
08:05  EN-RO   coronary angioplasty angioplastie coronară
08:05  EN-RO   (It) looks good. Arată bine.
08:05  EN-RO   aldosterone aldosteron
08:05  EN-RO   to report an accident a anunța un accident
08:05  EN-RO   Japanese maple arțar japonez
08:05  EN-RO   auto-pollination autopolenizare
08:05  EN-RO   self pollination autopolenizare
08:05  EN-RO   self-pollination autopolenizare
08:05  EN-RO   special agent agent special
08:05  EN-RO   Austrian austriacă
08:05  EN-RO   What bad luck! Așa un ghinion!
08:06  EN-RO   aminoglycoside aminoglicozid
08:06  EN-RO   early retirement pensie anticipată
08:06  EN-RO   premature pension pensie anticipată
08:09  EN-RO   jurist juristă
08:09  EN-RO   sort algorithm algoritm de sortare
08:09  EN-RO   sorting algorithm algoritm de sortare
08:10  EN-RO   bear skin blană de urs
08:10  EN-RO   bearskin blană de urs
08:10  EN-RO   Togo Togo
08:11  EN-RO   arena arenă
08:24  EN-FR   profundity profondeur
08:25  EN-RO   International Federation of Association Football Federația Internațională de Fotbal
08:26  EN-RO   high street stradă principală
08:26  EN-RO   main street stradă principală
11:01  EN-SV   group sex gruppsex
11:01  DE-SV   Lektor lektör
11:09  DE-SV   Umfrage enkätundersökning
11:11  DE-SV   Unglück oflyt
12:45  EN-RO   Chinese chinez
12:45  EN-RO   Magallanes Strait Strâmtoarea Magellan
12:45  EN-RO   Magellanic Strait Strâmtoarea Magellan
12:45  EN-RO   showroom showroom
12:45  EN-RO   Vichy regime regimul de la Vichy
12:45  EN-RO   Apache apaș
13:14  DE-SV   auf der Leitung stehen att inte fatta
13:18  DE-NO   dreckig griset
13:25  DE-LA   dreckig immundus
14:02  DE-LA   zahllos innumerabilis
14:02  DE-LA   unzählige Male innumerabiliter
14:02  DE-LA   auf unzählige Arten innumerabiliter
14:05  EN-LA   heat ardor
14:05  EN-LA   ardor ardor
14:05  EN-LA   ardour ardor
14:05  EN-LA   brightness ardor
14:05  EN-LA   reproof correptio
15:38  DE-RO   dreckig im Gesicht murdar pe față
15:38  DE-RO   jdn./etw. dreckig machen a murdări pe cineva/ceva
15:39  DE-RO   zerreden a bate apa-n piuă
16:10  DE-RO   Lieferdienst serviciu de livrare
16:11  DE-RO   Waffenembargo embargo asupra armelor
16:11  DE-RO   Handelsembargo embargo comercial
18:02  DE-RO   Autotypie autotipie
18:03  DE-RO   ein Spiel verschieben a truca un meci
18:04  DE-RO   Triebwagenzug ramă electrică
18:04  DE-RO   den Dienst absolvieren a îndeplini serviciul
18:39  CS-EN   obvod perimeter
18:39  CS-EN   Jižní Dakota South Dakota
18:39  CS-EN   Severní Dakota North Dakota
18:39  CS-EN   textová lingvistika textual linguistics
18:40  CS-EN   laktóza lactose
18:40  CS-EN   schéma pattern
18:41  BG-EN   свлачище landslip
18:41  BG-EN   свлачище landslide
18:43  EN-SR   last night синоћ
18:44  DE-HR   Schwanz kurac
18:44  DE-HR   Schwanz kita
18:44  DE-HR   Cappuccino kapućino
18:44  DE-HR   Cappuccino kapučino
18:45  DE-HR   zeugen začeti
18:45  DE-HR   zeugen začinjati
18:45  DE-HR   Lampe lampa
18:46  DE-HR   Veterinär marvenjak
18:46  DE-HR   Reaktion odgovor
19:58  EN-RO   car tire anvelopă de automobil
19:58  EN-RO   car tyre anvelopă de automobil
20:02  EN-RO   agrotourism agroturism
20:02  EN-RO   rural tourism agroturism
20:04  DE-ES   dreckig sucio
20:12  EN-FR   mountaineering escalade
20:19  DE-HR   Krankenhaus- bolnički
20:19  DE-HR   im Krankenhaus u bolnici
20:20  DE-HR   allgemeines Krankenhaus opća bolnica
20:56  DE-HR   Belagerung opsada
20:56  EN-HR   siege opsada
20:57  EN-HR   state of siege opsadno stanje
20:57  DE-HR   Belagerungszustand opsadno stanje
22:00  DE-SK   Penthouse strešný byt
23:40  EN-SR   married ожењен
23:41  EN-SR   married удата
23:47  EN-RO   Palestinians palestinieni
23:47  EN-RO   Nigerian nigerian
23:47  EN-RO   North American nord-american
23:47  EN-RO   Anglophile anglofil
23:59  DE-HR   Krankenhaus bolnica